Coughs are completely normal, and help the body to get rid of harmful micro-organisms or dust.

Although the majority of coughs will disappear by themselves within three weeks and are your body’s defence when it comes to getting rid of harmful micro-organisms or dust, there are several natural and effective ways to help hurry the process along. You can try these five methods to help speed up the healing process to leave you feeling happier and healthier…

1. Honey

Drinking hot water with lemon and honey is a well-known remedy for a cough.

Honey is a gentle yet effective cough reliever. It is a demulcent and has soothing properties that can relieve incessant coughing in an instant . The vitamin C in lemon juice aids quick recovery from the infection. This remedy can be used to relieve cough in children as well.

To make the concoction, squeeze half a lemon into a mug of boiled water, and then add one or two teaspoons of honey and stir. Consume the drink while it is still warm for best results.

cough remedy

2. Pineapple

The bromelain present in pineapple juice reduces cough, inflammation in the respiratory tract, and nasal mucus. According to a study, this can help to subdue the cough and loosen mucus in the throat. The research suggested that a mixture of pineapple juice, honey, salt and pepper could reduce coughing up to five times faster than some over-the-counter medicines.

 Eat a slice of pineapple or drink fresh pineapple juice to reap the benefits.

3. Tea Thyme

Thyme leaves contain compounds called flavonoids which work as an anti-inflammatory, relieving symptoms of a cough. Throat muscles become relaxed once you drink thyme tea, which can be made by adding two teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves into a mug of boiling water. Let the tea brew, strain and then drink.

4. Peppermint

The menthol in peppermint helps to soothe the throat and break down mucus. Patients could benefit from inhaling peppermint vapour or by drinking peppermint tea.

5. Liquorice

Liquorice root could be used to treat a sore throat or cough, as it’s a powerful expectorant.

It loosens and expels mucus form the throat, while also containing antiviral and antimicrobial properties, it’s been claimed.

Use extracts of liquorice in cough drops, syrups or teas for the best effect.

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